Adjunct Therapy
Augment your counseling sessions with whole brain integrative techniques to help your progress toward emotional health.
Often in counseling, despite the expert help of a counselor or psychologist, people find themselves stuck and unable to release entrenched, habitual patterns of thinking and behavior. Compulsions, emotional trauma, long-standing behavioral patterns, and PTSD can encompass complex obstacles that resist many methods used in the counseling process.
Working in partnership with your counselor, we augment your therapy sessions with whole brain integrative techniques to help you move past difficult points in your progress toward emotional health.
Brain Gym® and its related modalities have, in many cases, proven to be more effective than Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), both popular methods used by counselors. Whereas CBT primarily involves the cognitive centers in the upper regions of the brain and EMDR mainly engages the lateral, or left/right, brain body functioning, whole body movement rewires the neural networks within the three dimensions of the brain-body system. Whole body integrative movement creates change in the deepest areas of the brain through a three dimensional, whole body experience, which enables you to gently dissolve habitual thinking and behavioral patterns and more easily incorporate new behaviors and emotions into your life.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy focuses on changing unhelpful thought patterns and self-defeating behaviors to improve emotional regulation and develop personal coping strategies that target current problems.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing uses bilateral (left↔︎right) sensory stimulation to eliminate upsetting thoughts and feelings. You are asked to recall distressing images while a therapist directs you in side-to-side eye movements or hand tapping.
Clients who have been stuck in deep-seated, hard to break patterns and who have chosen to bring whole-brain integrative techniques into their therapy process have improved exponentially, made better decisions as they restructured their lives, and returned to work more quickly after years of emotional disability. By bringing whole body integrative movement into your counseling sessions, you have the benefit of both the specialized experience of your counselor combined with my expertise in creating deep change through whole-brain integration.
Let’s Talk
By bringing whole body integrative movement into your counseling sessions, you have the benefit of both the specialized experience of your counselor combined with my expertise in creating deep change through whole-brain integration.