Touch for Health
Revitalize and strengthen your body’s core energy for greater comfort, achieving goals, and clearer thinking.
The Touch for Health System is a practical guide to physical and emotional health that begins with specific muscle testing procedures to determine if your energy is in balance. Acupressure and massage points are then used to stimulate your energy in order to improve physical conditions and mental states. It combines ancient Chinese energy concepts with recent Western developments in kinesiology to restore the natural energies of the body.
Touch For Health techniques stimulate the energy systems of the body to encourage blood flow, move lymph, activate dormant muscles, and move energy along the meridians. This revitalizes and strengthens your body’s core energy for greater comfort, achieving goals, and clearer thinking.
It is well understood that touch can activate the body’s natural recuperative powers. Gentle, structured touch can create change within muscles, skin, and neural networks – shifting the way you feel, think, and function. The body and mind begin to operate in balance allowing for a greater range of physical movement, more clarity of mind, and an expanded sense of well-being.
The Touch for Health methodology was developed from applied kinesiology techniques first developed by chiropractor George Goodheart. In 1964 Goodheart discovered that tight muscles in spasm are caused by opposing muscles that are too relaxed and therefore cannot balance the contracting muscle. He determined that various touch, massage, and movement techniques could stimulate and strengthen the overly-relaxed muscles, which would then allow the opposing muscles in spasm to relax. This immediately improved the functioning of the whole person and when the whole person functions in a coordinated manner everything feels and works better.
Over the years, new observations have been made and several systems of muscle testing have subsequently been developed throughout the world. The Touch for Health muscle testing and reflex techniques form the foundation and are widely included as complementary therapy for physicians, chiropractors, movement therapists, osteopaths, naturopaths, nurses, physical therapists, massage therapists, occupational therapists, and psychologists. The Touch for Health System remains a simple, effective method for the general public to use to enhance their own lives.