Movement for Whole Brain Integration
Using a variety of simple movement techniques to achieve a full body experience so that we can reach our maximum potential.
All it takes are simple movements and small shifts in thinking.
Movement is absolutely necessary for learning to take place. When we move, the brain is activated and connections are being made that form thought and memory. Most importantly, when we move in an intentionally coordinated manner, we are fully activating whole brain functioning, which is really a full body experience – both brain hemispheres working equally for clear thinking, the mid-brain and the neocortex coordinating their signals to organize our thoughts and feelings, and the frontal lobes and the brain stem working in balance for attention and motivation. We are three dimensional in how we function, how we move, and how we think and learn. The Three Dimensions of Movement and Learning underlie whole brain integration.
The brain hemispheres, mid-brain, neocortex, frontal lobes and brain stem all have specific functions and process information and experience the world very differently. However, they are intended to work together, coordinating their functions so that we can function at our best – learn, communicate, remember, adjust to sudden change, relate to one another, and be happy.
If one brain area “miscommunicates” or is working harder than another, you may find that aspects of your life become challenging. You or your child may struggle with learning difficulties in school or on the job. You may find that anger or frustration are causing difficulties in school, at home, or at work. Depression or anxiety may be central to your life. Whatever the issue you are struggling with, Whole Brain Integration (learn more) is a key component to creating a happy, productive life.
At Highpoint Mind and Movement, I focus on using a variety of techniques to achieve a full body experience of Whole Brain Integration so that we can reach our maximum potential. From the simple, coordinated movements of Brain Gym® to the mental strategies and patterned techniques of NeuroLinguistic Programming, specialized movements can have a profound effect on the brain. A fully integrated brain and body helps children and adults experience easier learning, more balanced emotions, and self-managed behavior.
Brain Gym® / EduK
Simple movements can calm a hyperactive child, release long standing trauma, or develop better physical balance. Part of the broader discipline of Educational Kinesiology, Brain Gym® is used worldwide and loved by all ages and abilities.
NeuroLinguistic Programming
The mental techniques and strategies of NeuroLinguistic Programming have been changing the way people think, feel, and behave for over 50 years. Our brain, like a computer, can be reprogrammed, or retrained, to think in a different way. NLP is a powerful technique that can help us reach our full potential.
Touch for Health
Touch is healing – from ensuring good infant health and development to healing the ill and soothing the dying. The Touch for Health system is an extremely effective system of specific touch points that balance and strengthen the body’s core energy to help restore physical and emotional health.
Primitive Reflex Integration
Primitive reflexes, also called developmental reflexes, underlie the development of the nervous system and are powerful drivers of behavior. Children or adults who struggle with learning, find new experiences difficult, are accident prone, can’t focus, or have behavioral issues may have reflexes that are still active.

Mario was a very bright, personable fourth grader who had no confidence in himself, was reading two grades below his level, struggled with math and test taking, and suffered from anxiety.
Try It Firsthand
Drawing from over 100 sensory motor activities, strength and balance training exercises, and cognitive and spatial awareness tasks, you will activate your mind and body for whole brain functioning.